UPDATE as of 27/02/22: Magisto's Albums, Timeline, Feed and Explore are features that will soon be removed from both Magisto web and mobile apps.
Similar to albums on mobile devices, you can create albums in your Magisto account to group and organize your videos. The albums can also be easily shared to allow your friends and family to stay up-to-date on all of your latest videos. If you would like your videos to become private again, you can always delete the albums while preserving the videos in your account.
To add an album
1. From the Home page, hover over the profile picture at the top right hand side and click on albums in the drop down menu.
2. Click the empty box containing the words “New Album”.
3. Enter the title you would like to give your new album and click “Done”.
4. Check all movies that you would wish to include in your new album and click “Done”.
NOTE: You can change the album cover photo by hovering over the placeholder and clicking the pencil icon on the bottom-right corner.
To delete an album
From the Home page, hover over the profile picture at the top right hand side and click on albums in the drop down menu.
- Click the cover of the album you’d like to delete.
- Hover over the cover photo at the top of the page.
- Click the pencil icon on the bottom-right corner.
- Click “Delete Album”.