Thumbnails are your viewers’ first interaction with your product, allowing them to see a quick snapshot of your video before clicking to play it. When you make a video, Magisto automatically selects a thumbnail from your video scenes.
Video thumbnails may currently be changed solely via our desktop website (
To choose a different thumbnail:
1. Go to “My Videos” at the top of the screen, and click the relevant video.
2. If your video is marked as a draft at the top right hand side of the thumbnail, make sure to click on “Save” to be able to change your thumbnail.
3. On the video's page, click the 3 dots, right beside “Download”.
4. In the dropdown menu, click on “Change Thumbnail”.
5. You can also update the thumbnail by clicking on the pencil tool to edit the video title.
6. You can scroll through the different available thumbnails by using the arrows.
7. You can also upload your own thumbnail by clicking on “Upload”. The photo must be at least 320 pixels by 180 pixels.
8. Once the photo is uploaded, click and drag to reposition the uploaded image.
9. Once the thumbnail is selected, click “Save” to confirm.
Some videos may not display a thumbnails list, yet you can always upload your own.