While the music in our music library is licensed for commercial use, we won't be able to provide licensing for videos that were not shared directly from Magisto.
When sharing your video directly from Magisto to Facebook/Instagram/Youtube using the Share feature, Magisto can ensure that the license is included and recognized by YouTube/Facebook/Instagram.
If you download your video and upload the downloaded file to Social Media, you may receive a copyright notice as the licenses from Magisto cannot be recognized.
Note that you can simply dispute the claim in front of Facebook/Instagram/Youtube and mention under the comment section that the soundtrack was used on Magisto as part of the creation process.
In the rare case where your video was shared directly from Magisto and you still received a copyright notice/claim (note that this might happen when the videos are shared in "private" mode) - you can either dispute it and mention that you created the video using Magisto or you can contact us and send us the following information, so we can release it for you:
1) a link to your video on YouTube.
2) a link to the video on Magisto.
3) a screenshot of the copyright claim.
Once we receive the required information, we'll be able to take care of this in front of our music provider and YouTube.
NOTE that if you upload your own music - we won’t be able to provide you with commercial license.
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